I Peter 3:15 says, But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. NIV
The Message puts it this way: Through thick and thin, keep your hearts at attention, in adoration before Christ, your Master. Be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you're living the way you are, and always with the utmost courtesy.
Notice that the first and most important requirement for sharing our faith is that we ‘set apart Christ as Lord’. This means that we have surrendered control of our lives to Him, knowing that because He created us with a purpose, He will orchestrate the events of our lives to always be in line with accomplishing that purpose. We place our complete trust and confidence in Him and acknowledge living our lives in accordance with the instructions in His Word.
The preparation for sharing our faith comes as we sit with Him every day to learn from Him. This is not just reading His Word or a devotional reading, but thinking it over, studying it--meditating on the truths He has revealed. When we then determine how He wants us to apply that truth to our life or situation, we need to take action to do it. Praying is a major part in determining just what God wants us to do. It is a moment by moment communion with Him; being sensitive to His voice when He speaks and responding with a "yes, Lord, I will do what You ask."
Our lives will, no doubt, be different because we are reflecting Christ to the world around us—they will not see us, but they will see Him. As a result they may ask the reason for the hope you have. This may not always come in the form of a direct question, but they may just want to be around you, they might share a burden or need, and because the Lord has prepared your heart, the answer from your lips should come from the overflow of His truth imparted to you by the Holy Spirit.
Notice the importance of answering with ‘gentleness and respect’ or ‘always with the upmost courtesy’. This portrays to your friend that she/he is valued and loved—that you are not rushing in to ‘dump a load of truth’ in a preaching way on them-- telling them what to do--but simply sharing your life and experiences and what you are learning from the Lord. As God meets us at our point of need, we are meeting that person at their point of need with gentleness and truth. Then the Holy Spirit takes that truth and reveals it to them so they can respond to it. It most always takes time and building an ongoing relationship.
All the while God is building in our lives in preparation for continuing to share truth in answer to their questions. I have been amazed at how often God will share a truth with me in the morning and in the afternoon I will have an opportunity to share it with someone. His timing is perfect—because He has prepared our heart in advance knowing we will need the answer! He is so faithful!
Many of the preparations of our hearts to give an answer come from our own life experiences. Some come through dark times—times of sorrow, grief or tears as well as those special times of joy. I recently came across Isaiah 45:3 that made my heart rejoice! "I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness--secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the LORD…the one who calls you by name." NLT
The Message says it this way: "I'll lead you to buried treasures, secret caches of valuables — Confirmations that it is, in fact, I, GOD… who calls you by your name."
So we can conclude that God is the one who is always preparing our hearts to give an answer concerning the hope He has given us! He’s working in us so He can live His life through us! The glory belongs to Him!