Monday, April 1, 2013

Do You Know Your ABC's?

THE ABC CONNECTION:  Anger---Bitterness---Control

My dog was sitting at my feet, while I was relaxing and enjoying a book.  Perfect picture, until he began looking at me and whimpering--trying to get my attention. Was it more food? I got up and checked his dish. It was full. Water dish?  Also full.  I walked to the door to let him out—he didn’t want to go out. I sat down and picked up my book again to continue reading. He came to my feet and continued to whimper. After a while I became angry inside—couldn’t figure out what he wanted. I COULDN’T CONTROL the situation and I became angry inside!

I began to think of other times I had been angered when encountering situations I COULD NOT CONTROL. Then I made the connection: I think I know what is right or best in a given situation. I push for my way or for my thoughts to be heard. I even pray that God will change a situation that I believe is wrong.  The pattern: unfavorable situation---I don’t get my way---the situation doesn’t change---I become angry inside. The anger is because I cannot CONTROL what I want or believe is best. I am not getting MY way!  When the anger is ‘nurtured’ it turns to bitterness.

We are warned many times to avoid anger that leads to bitterness.

Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many. Hebrews 12:15

Do not sin in your anger Ephesians 4:26

Powerful! And scary! My anger can lead to bitterness, which is like a POISON! And it not only affects me, but it can affect others.

“Lord, please use anger to get my attention, when it first hits my heart and alerts me to the fact that it’s happening because I’m wanting to be in CONTROL of a situation, or something or someone. And Lord, enable me by your grace, to immediately give the matter to you so You are in full CONTROL of the situation; and thus guard my heart from anger that can become bitterness which in turn becomes malice. I know,  the longer I hold on to it the more bitter I will become. I don’t want that, Lord. Help me to slow down and trust You.

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger;  for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. James 1:19-20

I want to please You, Lord. I recognize that You are in control of all the circumstances of my life and I certainly don’t want others to be embittered because of my anger or bitterness.”

God has brought women across my path recently who have also recognized anger or bitterness in their lives.  I have shared these thoughts with them and they too, have been encouraged to turn loose of the anger and allow God to be the one in CONTROL of their lives rather than trying to control the circumstances and people around them. God is so very faithful to reveal truth to our hearts just when we need it.  We are responsible for responding to His Word and knowing our ABC’s to stop the connection:


Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you,

along with all malice. Ephesians 4:31