Sunday, December 30, 2012

Looking Back - Looking Ahead!

One of the common activities at the end of a year is to evaluate the year past and to look forward to the year ahead. I enjoy doing this each December—asking the Lord for ideas to keep my times with Him fresh and spiritually stimulating during the coming year. I find that if I do not have a plan I have a tendency to not approach my devotional times with Jesus with anticipation. Also, I look back in order to make changes in those activities that were not productive in my life over the past year—sort of a ‘spiritual house cleaning and redecorating’ experience—getting ready again to walk in joyful obedience to Jesus this coming year.

Yesterday, I read an article that was so encouraging to me in this evaluation process that I want to share some of it with you:
“There are two things that we must keep in mind when reading the commandments of Jesus. First, He was setting a standard that unregenerate man could never keep. The bar was set so high that no one would be able to reach His level of righteousness. Peter listened every day and knew well the teaching to love an enemy. The end result was cutting off a man’s ear! Often overlooked is one aspect of Christ’s teaching:  it reveals not only what man should do but what man cannot do. Second, Jesus did it all; He did what He taught, and He did it freely, naturally, consistently and without struggle. Therefore, He proved it could be done. Here is the secret to dealing with commands we cannot keep, commands that must be kept, and commands He kept easily. The solution is simple: we admit that we cannot; he moves and keeps them through us. It will be Christ in us living through us as though it is us, but it is not us. We do not aspire to be like Jesus; we gave that up. It is really Jesus living through us. Beautiful.!”(Mike Wells in My Weakness for His Strength)

I think we all have regrets of sinful choices, a lack of love toward someone, forgiveness that should have been extended toward someone who offended us; but the life of Jesus lived through us enables us to live in obedience to Him moment by moment. How encouraging is that! He knew all along that we could never live the Christian life. It is His life, not ours that brings victory and fulfillment. And the beauty of it all is that this is the way God intended it to be and that is why He sent His Son to BE our life—to live it for us—to be what we can never be without Him!
This has been a good reminder for me; and I hope it is for you! Here’s to a year of joy as you experience His Life in you and through you!  Col 1:27, “God’s plan is to make known His secret to his people, this rich and glorious secret which he has for all peoples. And the secret is that Christ is in you, which means that you will share in the glory of God.TEV

Saturday, December 1, 2012

An Early Christmas Gift

It was October 2nd, I had finished the day’s work and was sitting on the patio reading and enjoying the Colorado sunshine on a fall day!  Being drawn to the beauty, I was having trouble concentrating on my book.  I felt I had to go up into the mountains—that God had something He wanted me to see. My husband and I had an errand to run so afterwards I suggested we drive up into the hills to see the fall colors.  It was an absolutely gorgeous afternoon—blue sky, warm sunshine, a gentle breeze.  Remembering, that just the day before, a woman asked me if I had been to South Cheyenne Canyon since our move back to Colorado? I had not; and suddenly I knew that is where I wanted to go.

It had been over 50 years since my last visit to the canyon, so the drive seemed like a brand new experience!  We wound our way around each sharp curve as the sun burst through the trees to reveal a new display of brilliant color.  It was breathtaking— vivid brick reds and golds; a blending of dark greens against rust and amber and bright reds and oranges! It was almost more than my eyes could take in!

I said to Him:  O, thank You Lord, for drawing me out here to see this spectacular display of Your creation! You do ‘give us all things to enjoy’

 ….put your hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment 1 Tim 3:17

 As we continued climbing higher into the mountains along the creek toward Helen Hunt Falls, we passed the entrance to Cutler Trail.  Memories flooded my mind of the times my friends and I would put a watermelon in the creek to chill while we hiked the trail, which overlooks Seven Falls. My heart called to Him: Lord, You give us the desires of our heart. Would You let me do that again sometime? You are so gracious to give me sight to see this glorious display of Your beauty. I’m so grateful that You called me out here today so You could delight my eyes with this brilliant array of color! You are so gracious!

I am reminded that not one of the pleasures God has brought into my life is essential, but they are provided by Him for my enjoyment—and designed to turn my heart to Him, my only true need.   Lord, you have done that today—thank You!

For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities---His eternal power

and divine nature---have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made,

so that men are without excuse Romans1:20

 “Sometimes I lead you up a high mountain with only My hand to support you.

The higher you climb, the more spectacular the view becomes;

also the more keenly you sense your separation from the world with all its problems.

This frees you to experience exuberantly the joyous reality of My Presence.

Give yourself fully to these Glory-moments awash in dazzling Light.”

(Oct. 6—Jesus Calling—by Sarah Young)

My final prayer to Him that day:  Lord, continue to enable me to see EVERYTHING through Your eyes—EVERYTHING—the beautiful things as well as those that are difficult! I can find joy in all things.           

The heavens tell the glory of God. The skies display His marvelous craftsmanship Psalm 19:1

Thank You for that promise!

That day on October 2, God gave me an early Christmas gift with the fall colors!

 What will your Christmas gift be this December?

First, focus on the “reason for the season”  as prophesied in Isaiah 9:6

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given……He will be called Wonderful Counselor,

Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

But also, as you enter into the busy season of honoring His coming into “the world He created”, please slow down and open another gift, absorb the beauty around you.

sunrise to sunset, falling snow, falling rain, the desert with cactus,

the ocean with palm trees, farm fields with a blanket of snow,

frozen lakes, warm lakes, the mountains with evergreens, waterfalls, canyons,

the sun, the moon the stars, and so much more!

Enjoy His Christmas gifts to you!

His creation and the Prince of Peace are gifts that truly keep giving for a lifetime

 Let me know the gift the Lord gave you this December, and throughout the year.

I would enjoy hearing from you, please write to me at:




Saturday, September 1, 2012

Stay in The Eye of The Hurricane

Today, my heart is filled with the joy of experiencing Jesus’ life and its refreshment as I reflect on the past several weeks. As I have shared with many who have prayed for us, it has been like a “peaceful whirlwind”.

 PEACEFUL because we knew God was indeed directing our decision to move to Colorado Springs, Colorado; to be closer to our daughter

 WHIRLWIND because our home in Kansas sold in eight days; we found a place in Colorado Springs; sold and gave away much of our “stuff” since we had to ‘downsize’ significantly; packed and moved in six weeks’ time!  It seems impossible that we have been here less than a month, but we are settled and enjoying our family and other guests who have come to visit.

To God be the glory!
I am reminded that as I “Trust in the Lord with all my heart, lean not on my own understanding and acknowledge Him in all my ways, He will make my path straight.”

Proverbs 3: 5-6

I believe this is part of what it means to ABIDE in Christ. We have no contribution to what He alone can do. He gets all the glory because He does all the work. We simply abide and respond to His promptings with an obedient heart. It’s really about His life being lived out in us and through us.
I was recently asked to give my thoughts on what it means to ‘Abide in Christ’ and how I would counsel another believer to ABIDE in Him. During that busy time, God provided a fresh encounter with Him as He taught me that ABIDING only required me to ‘rest’ or ‘trust’ or ‘release control’……… Abiding is a ‘moment by moment’ thing. I could be trusting one moment and anxious the next. But in that anxious moment I could release control and trust, and immediately experience His peace. Many times He sent able hands and bodies to help at just the right time. That happened often during those busy days and I feel blessed as I look back on them; God was indeed being my Teacher.  Instructing me on how to abide through this experience.

A passage that has impacted my thoughts about ABIDING was 2 Cor. 12:9-10

 “Therefore I will boast all Today, my heart is filled with the joy of experiencing Jesus’ life and its refreshment as I reflect on the past several weeks. As I have shared with many who have prayed for us, it has been like a “peaceful whirlwind”.

 PEACEFUL because we knew God was indeed directing our decision to move to Colorado Springs, Colorado; to be closer to our daughter

 WHIRLWIND because our home in Kansas sold in eight days; we found a place in Colorado Springs; sold and gave away much of our “stuff” since we had to ‘downsize’ significantly; packed and moved in six weeks’ time!  It seems impossible that we have been here less than a month, but we are settled and enjoying our family and other guests who have come to visit.

To God be the glory!
I am reminded that as I “Trust in the Lord with all my heart, lean not on my own understanding and acknowledge Him in all my ways, He will make my path straight.”

Proverbs 3: 5-6

I believe this is part of what it means to ABIDE in Christ. We have no contribution to what He alone can do. He gets all the glory because He does all the work. We simply abide and respond to His promptings with an obedient heart. It’s really about His life being lived out in us and through us.
I was recently asked to give my thoughts on what it means to ‘Abide in Christ’ and how I would counsel another believer to ABIDE in Him. During that busy time, God provided a fresh encounter with Him as He taught me that ABIDING only required me to ‘rest’ or ‘trust’ or ‘release control’……… Abiding is a ‘moment by moment’ thing. I could be trusting one moment
the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.  That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

 That little word DELIGHT caught my attention and I had to ask myself, do I delight in these things?

Delight in recognizing my weakness, really?

What about when someone insults me?

Or how about hardships (trials that go on for a long time)?

And persecutions (when I am personally ridiculed, or worse, for my faith)?
And what about difficulties (which come in many different disguises and some not so disguised)?
Do I DELIGHT in these?
Not always, but this I know:  When I do, I do it for Christ’s Sake, not for my own sake.   And as promised, I experience HIS POWER resting on me. Selfishness can have no part in Abiding—without Him I can do NOTHING!
John 15:11  I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing”
 The truth of Eph 4:22-24 has also encouraged me, in light of what it means to Abide in Christ.
 “You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.”
Again, when we abide in Christ we acknowledge the fact that we’ve abandoned our ‘old self’, adopted a completely new attitude, clothed in the new self—CHRIST’S life IN us, with His righteousness and holiness!
Sometimes our “whirlwind” may feel more like a “hurricane”.  In these moments, refrain from focusing on the wind and stay in the center with Jesus, abiding with Him. 
Remember by definition: “the eye of a hurricane is the region at the center of the storm, about which the winds rotate, but which itself is relatively calm”
 So when your circumstances feel like a whirlwind or tornado or hurricane.  Let Jesus make it a “peaceful” one as you ‘rest’, ‘trust’ and ‘release control’ allowing Him to live His life in you and through you. He will get all the glory, because He will be doing all the work!  
You will be abiding in Him amidst the storm if you choose to
stay in the eye of the hurricane, WITH HIM
 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” 
Galatians 2:20

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Are you thinking of traveling this summer?

   ~~If so, you must first choose a destination—then begin planning your trip

What is the budget?
Will you fly or drive?

~~If flying, you will need plane tickets; if driving, you need a map to determine how many miles you’ll   travel and the best route to take.

Will you plan stops along the way or drive straight through?  

Is the entire family available to go?  What about the dog; stay or go?  Use a kennel or ask a neighbor?

How many meals will be eaten out?  How much will you spend?

Will you pack a picnic basket and cooler, or eat at restaurants?

Where will you stay, and with whom?  And how many nights?

~~You must make reservations or contact friends and family to confirm availability

What will the weather be like?  What kind of clothing will be needed? How will we pack?

Will medications be needed? Do we have enough on hand or will we need to order from the pharmacy?

There are so many things to consider—so many decisions to make! And the list goes on and on!

And you can’t do it in the dark--
you need LIGHT!
It’s hard to write down a plan, make needed calls etc., without LIGHT.


There is a warning in the book of Proverbs about traveling:

poverty will come upon you as one who travels.”

The result is two forms of poverty:  financial and spiritual

 From a practical standpoint if plans are not made and a budget not considered, traveling can bring us to financial poverty.

But let’s consider the Spiritual poverty that can happen when traveling!

·         Every day is different—

·         different location and activities

·         different schedule or routine

·         different people

When we are home we usually wake with the alarm clock, prepare for the day, eat on a regular schedule and progress through the daily routine. Does part of that routine include a time set aside to read God’s word and sit at Jesus feet and learn from Him? Remember that we mentioned needing LIGHT to make the travel plans? GOD IS LIGHT!
“This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.”   1 John 1:5
We need that light on a daily basis when traveling, as well as at home with the predictable—somewhat daily routine!  So, my suggestion is: always plan to spend time with Jesus during your travel schedule. You live in His presence and can enjoy Him every moment—but take time to really listen to what He’s saying to you through His word—receive the LIGHT He promises to be in your life and promises to give —even while you are traveling. Plan intentionally, so neither financial poverty nor spiritual poverty will overtake you!

Have blessed travel times this summer!

I would love to hear from you!  Please send your comments or questions

Sunday, April 29, 2012

God's Creativity

God’s Creativity
He is the God of all creativity! Praise Him! One step at a time!

Have you heard about the Parable of the Mule?
It is a picture of creativity in the midst of adverse circumstances:
An old mule fell into a well. The farmer found it but thought neither the well nor the mule were worth saving so he called friends to help him shovel dirt into the well to bury the mule and put it out of its misery. At first the mule was hysterical as the first shovel of dirt hit his back. As this continued, it occurred to the mule to shake it off and step up. This he did blow after blow. Shake it off and step up. No matter how painful the blows or distressing the situation seemed, the mule fought panic and just kept right on “shaking it off and stepping up”. You guessed it! It wasn’t long until the old mule, battered and exhausted, stepped triumphantly over the wall of the well! What seemed like it would bury him alive,  actually blessed him…all because of the manner in which he handled his adversity.  (author unknown)
The moral? If we respond to our problems with positive actions, refusing to panic, become bitter or wallow in self-pity; then God will use those adversities to our benefit and bless us!
But how do we do that when the trial is painful, overwhelming, consuming?  
Learn from the mule: Get active and do the right thing, one step at a time!
Philippians 4 are the “steps we can take”

Where to start:  
Verse 4 “Rejoice in the Lord always, again I say rejoice” 
Facing a trial with THANKSGIVING, PRAISE and HOPE are excellent ways to “shake off the dirt of a trial”  Take the first step.

Take action and step up:
 Verse 6 “Be anxious for nothing , but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God”   
As the trials of life pummel us, we have the option of being buried alive in our anxiety or to take “one step at a time”  by praising and praying.  Pouring out our requests before God……like David did, throughout the Psalms.  He was not shy to share his heartache, God was not shocked, and delivered  David from his sorrows.
Psalm 34:18–19“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all”

The result:  Verse 7 “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus”
God is triumphant when we experience His peace and step over the wall of our trial!
Shake off the dirt, step up and climb out of the ‘well’ in which we find ourselves…….ONE STEP AT A TIME. 
Be patient, the mule did not get out of the well with one step.  It was a process.  Sometimes a long and painful process……but because of the promises in God’s Word, He will help you:
 “He will deliver you out of them all”…..but you must take the first step,
“Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS, again I say rejoice” 
James 1:2 “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds”

Our loving God “permits what He could prevent”.  He has prevented and protected us from so much; and we thank Him. However, there is something that takes more faith and a deeper trust—and that is to thank Him for what He has permitted. Rather than questioning, ‘How could a loving God allow this to happen?’ How could He allow our children to experience a failed marriage? What about children who are left behind when the parents are killed in a tragic accident? Can we thank Him and praise Him still? If we choose to see God in the midst of our circumstances, and remember His creativity in weaving trials, events and losses ---that He permitted--- to bring about our salvation; then we can fully trust God to bring about his purposes and plans through the things He allows to happen in our lives and in the lives of those we love. He is the God of wisdom and as we praise Him for what He, in His wisdom, has allowed; it becomes the first STEP toward acceptance. Peace will come to our hearts as we accept the fact that he has EVERYTHING under control! And His plan and purpose is well thought out by a very creative God who “works everything according to the purpose of His will.” (Eph. 1:11)
A quote I read some years ago says it best: “The pressure I feel…is but the squeeze of God’s hands on my life as He is shaping me.” (author unknown)
It is a reflection of Isaiah 64:8
 “You are our Father, we are the clay, and You are the potter; we are all the work of Your hand.”
How secure I feel when my focus is on Him as my Potter and I am His clay! I know that He is fully trustworthy no matter what He permits or prevents in my life or the lives of my loved ones.
And when a trial comes……….TAKE THE FIRST STEP………..and rejoice in Him!

He is the God of all creativity! Praise Him! One step at a time!

I would love to hear from you!  Please send your comments or questions

Saturday, March 31, 2012


Have you ever thought about the fact that we only have THIS MOMENT?
We don’t have a moment from now—that is in the future; and we don’t have a moment ago—that is in the past. But we have THIS moment and we can choose to live in His presence one moment at a time.

In fact, I came across a couple of verses this morning as I was reading God’s Word that reminded me that not only am I to seek His presence continually, but that He is seeking mine!
1 Chronicles 16:11 Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually
2 Chronicles 16:9 For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.

God has a drive for intimacy with us and is continually seeking us; desiring to reveal His heart and life to us! When we read His Word our hearts should be delighting in Him as David said many times throughout the Psalms. This will cause us to want more of Him.
Specifically, David desired to ‘gaze on the beauty of the Lord and seek Him in His temple’ Psalm 27:4. St. Augustine said, “I have tasted Thee, and now I hunger for Thee.”

The more we taste of His revealed truths [truths He reveals about Himself] the hungrier we get for more—and the more He satisfies that hunger for Him—the more we desire to dwell with Him—the more we receive His promise of joy…….as we simply live in His presence, “ in your presence is fullness of joy” (Psalm16:11)

The more we taste….the more we hunger…..the more He satisfies…. the more we dwell….the more we experience the ‘fullness of joy’----simply by living in His presence.
I don’t know about you, but that is where I want to be!

Regardless of life’s circumstances, we can experience the joy of the Lord as we dwell in His presence. The more difficult our situation, the more we need to dwell with Him, moment by moment. This moment.

David Roper’s book, Psalm 23: The Song of a Passionate Heart, quotes Brennan Manning
“When I am in conscious communion with the reality of the wild, passionate, relentless, stubborn, pursuing, tender love of God for me, then it’s not that I have to or I got to or I should or I ought; suddenly, I want to change because I know how deeply I am loved. One of the wonderful results of my consciousness of God’s staggering love for me as I am is freedom not to be who I should be or who others want me to be. I can be who I really am. And who I am is a bundle of paradoxes and contradictions: I believe and I doubt, I trust and I get discouraged, I love and I hate, I feel good, and I feel bad about feeling good, I feel guilty if I don’t feel guilty…It is the real me that God loves. I don’t have to be anyone else. For 20 years I tried to be Brother Teresa. I tried to be Francis of Assisi. I had to be a carbon copy of a great saint rather than the original God intended me to be. The biggest mistake I can make is to say to God, “Lord, if I change, you’ll love me, won’t you?” the Lord’s reply is always, “Wait a minute; you’ve got this all wrong. You don’t have to change so I’ll love you; I love you so you’ll change.” I simply expose myself to the love that is everything and have an immense, unshakable, reckless, raging confidence that God loves me so much He’ll change me and fashion me into the child that He always wanted me to be.”


David Roper says in this book;
“God can never be understood through the intellect. Insight arises from purity of heart—from love, humility, and a desire to obey. It is the “pure in heart who see God,” [Jesus Matt. 5:8]. “If the value of our times alone with God depend on our emotional state, we will always be troubled. We should never worry about how we feel. Even when our minds are confused or our hearts grow cold, we can learn from our solitude. Don’t try to make your heart love God. Just give it to HIM.”

God continually reminds us of this truth, over and over in His Word!
“I Am the bread of life. He who comes to Me will never go hungry, and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty” (John 6:35)
"If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink” (John 7:37)
“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him” (Psalm 37:7
“Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10)

An illustration I heard years ago reminds me of our life in Christ.
Picture an egg. There are three parts—the yolk, the white and the shell.
Now consider Col. 3:3 “…your life is hidden with Christ in God”
The shell is God, the white is Christ and your life is the yolk.
You are loved, cared for and nurtured as you are surrounded by the life of Christ in the protective hands of God!

You have all of Him you will ever need! You need nothing more!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Willing Heart

What IS a willing heart? How is it identified?

As I consider these questions, I thought of Isaiah 1:19 where the prophet promises, “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword. For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.”
God is very eager for us to enjoy life as He intended.

John 10:10 “Jesus came to give us life and give us life more abundantly”
God did not leave this to chance, He gave us very clear direction through His Word; how to live and respond to His commands and instructions. If we read and study His Word we will have a choice to make:

Will we respond in obedience to those instructions and experience the abundant life He promises?
Or will we choose to resist and rebel against them?
It’s our choice, because He created us with a free will to choose whatever we want—BUT He has not given us the freedom to choose the consequences of our decisions. That is His choice. If we choose to resist His way there will be negative consequences; and that is what Isaiah promises is this verse. In essence he is saying, ‘If you choose to willingly obey Him, then you’ll be blessed, but if you resist His way and go your own, it leads to death.’ Maybe not physical death, but certainly death spiritually—dead in your spirit toward the things of God. Or emotional death, resulting in apathy, bitterness, anger, depression, etc. A willing heart identifies the ‘right way’
and follows it, willingly.
Jesus is the ultimate example of a willing-heart, when He faced death on the cross for our sins and said, ”Father, not what I will, but what You will, that’s what I want.”

Mike Wells book, My Weakness for His Strength, says :
“Why do we keep our hands on? There is only one reason, unbelief. We believe Humility has laid aside all strength, embraces weakness and surrenders to God…we worry over all we need to do and never move into the supernatural to experience that He can do. The secret is that when we place our anxiety upon Him, not only does He carry it, but He also picks us up and carries us to new places…In my weakness I give my worries, and in weakness Jesus imparts His strength. “For to be sure, he was crucified in weakness, yet he lives by God's power. Likewise, we are weak in him, yet by God's power we will live with him to serve you.” (2 Cor. 13:4) To be willing he says, “Jesus, I cast every anxiety on You. I take my hands off, and I know and trust that

In thinking about having a willing heart, I ponder Deuteronomy 30:19- 20,
“This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life”
So our struggle in the Christian life is with our willingness to choose HIS LIFE—instead of our own. Recognizing that choosing our way, doesn’t work and leads to death.
Elihu told Job, “God is mighty, but does not despise men; He is mighty and firm in His purpose…He does not take His eyes off the righteous… He makes them listen to correction and commands them to repent of their evil. If they obey and serve him, they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment. But if they do not listen, they will perish by the sword and die without knowledge.” (Job 36: 10-13)

Choice is a wonderful thing that God has given us! When I was a young believer I used to pray,” Lord, make me ‘willing to be made willing’ if I am not”. God has given me a willing heart and the knowledge that in my weakness He is strong. Without Him I can do NOTHING—even try to make my heart willing—only He can do that! And I am so grateful when He does that for me.
Finally, as I read Proverbs, I am reminded of the difference it makes in my life when I choose to have a willing heart.

Proverbs 1: 27-33, “When calamity overtakes you like a storm, when disaster sweeps over you like a whirlwind, when distress and trouble overwhelm you. "Then they will call to me but I will not answer; they will look for me but will not find me. Since they hated knowledge and did not choose to fear the LORD, since they would not accept my advice and spurned my rebuke, they will eat the fruit of their ways and be filled with the fruit of their schemes. For the waywardness of the simple will kill them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them; but whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease, without fear of harm."

It’s a choice to have a willing heart.
Ask God, today, to give you this gift……it’s a blessing!!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

How Do We Get A Whole Heart?

“The only whole heart is a broken
”—I heard this quoted recently and as the days have passed I
have considered the truth of it. Here are some of my thoughts:
A heart that has been broken is the only one that can truly understand another whose heart has been broken. The supreme example here is Jesus. “He was wounded and crushed for our sins”--Isa 53:5 “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.” His heart was broken so ours could be healed. The Psalmist says in 34:18—“The Lord is near to the broken hearted and saves the crushed in spirit.”
We can sympathize with another who
has a broken heart. We can share words of encouragement, a verse of scripture
that has been meaningful to us, but to truly enter into the feelings and
emotions of a person whose heart has been broken, we have to experience a
broken heart ourselves. Have you noticed how God leads you to people who need
the message of hope that you can bring because of your experience of a broken
heart? He doesn’t waste those experiences, but prepares us through them to
share the healing and hope we have experienced through him with others.
When I was a young believer I remember sitting in a meeting where we were sharing verses that had been meaningful to us. One man stood, quoted the following verse and sat down
without comment. “Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the
desert these forty years; to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands.” My life was forever changed! From that time since, it has given me understanding of why God allows broken hearts—our true hearts are revealed in brokenness! “He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your fathers had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the LORD.” Brokenness
draws us to God and His Word for true nourishment! How blessed we are to have His Word!
When we have embraced the brokenness we invite Jesus to fill the empty, shattered places in our hearts. And He fills all those cracks and crevices—and heals those bruised and bleeding
Several other Scriptures come to mind in describing what our Lord does in us through our broken hearts:

Job 5:18 “For He bruises, but He binds up. He
wounds but His hands make whole”.

Proverbs 20:30- “Blows that hurt cleanse away evil,
as do stripes the inner depths of the heart”.

Isaiah 30:26 “…the LORD binds up the bruises of
his people and heals the wounds He inflicted.”

Hosea 6:1"Come let us return to the LORD. He
has torn us to pieces but He will heal us; He has injured us but He will bind
up our wounds”.

Jeremiah. 30:17 “‘But I will restore you to health
and heal your wounds’, declares the LORD…
All of these verses reveal to me hat God is in our brokeness! He as a purpose and a plan in it all!
Acts 13:22 says that, “After removing Saul, He made David their king. He testified concerning him: 'I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.' David experienced brokenness so many times in his life, but God used those experiences to give him a heart that desired to do everything He wanted him to do. That is the kind of heart I desire, don’t you?

In Ezekiel 36:26 God promises: “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” This is what God is accomplishing in our hearts through brokenness!
And I love Matthew 5:8, where Jesus says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. He is purifying our hearts so we can SEE HIM in all the circumstances of our lives! Praise HIM!!!!
Finally, we are commanded in Deuteronomy 6:5-6 to “Love the LORD your God with all
your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” Through our broken hearts He alone brings healing so we can truly love Him with our HEARTS MADE WHOLE BY HIM!