Mike died on the mission field this month; but “the Jesus” he proclaimed lives on. Mike’s faithfulness to share the life of Jesus, changed my life forever.‘Christ in you, the hope of glory’;
as he shared that
‘Jesus is the Way and every other way is not the way’;
and that
‘there is no problem that the nearness of Jesus cannot overcome’.
He wrote several books, which have greatly enhanced my understanding of living life IN Christ—recognizing that Jesus lives that life through me, and ‘without Him I can do nothing’. Truly, JESUS IS MY LIFE! And I am so grateful to know this fact and to experience it more and more each day as I grow in my relationship with Him.
When I received the news of Mike’s death I was surprised, but not shocked or saddened. Jesus, the one Mike talked about, had taken him to be with Him; but the Jesus he talked about is alive in me forever! He wrote, Side-tracked in The Wilderness and Problems, God’s Presence and Prayer, among others; and the soon to be released, My Weakness for His Strength. In each book, he talks about how God uses the circumstances of his life and the lives of others—he tells stories of the things all of us experience—to teach that Christ is our Life, as we abide in Him. Mike’s ministry reaches more than 108 countries and impacts pastors in very remote areas of the world. I encourage you to visit his website to learn more, as he ‘shares about the life of Jesus in us’ at http://abidinglife.com/2009/
At his memorial service this week he was described by one of the speakers as “a clear window to see Jesus through”. That is how I saw him, too! He was nothing in himself, and never claimed to be. He had problems, and struggles that he constantly dealt with, but His life was Jesus and his desire was to abide in Him and help others learn to do the same. My husband and I had the privilege of ministering with him and his wife, Betty, in Fiji for several years on short mission trips. I am very grateful to God for bringing Mike across my path.
One thing that God began to teach me through Mike is to recognize Him in all that happens in our lives. This week I had a small stroke and immediately began to ask God to help me see Him in the situation. Very gratefully, on the way to the hospital He began to assure my heart with His truth: “Diane, I planned every day of your life before one of them came to be” “I work everything according to the counsel of My own will” “I am good to everyone and My compassion is intertwined with everything I do” How grateful I am to God for teaching me these truths, because I also know that when I become weaker it gives more opportunity for Jesus to pour out His strength in and through me—because……….
“His strength is perfected in my weakness”! 2 Corinthians 12:9
I pray, that because of this experience, my life will be
To God be the glory!