Sunday, December 30, 2012

Looking Back - Looking Ahead!

One of the common activities at the end of a year is to evaluate the year past and to look forward to the year ahead. I enjoy doing this each December—asking the Lord for ideas to keep my times with Him fresh and spiritually stimulating during the coming year. I find that if I do not have a plan I have a tendency to not approach my devotional times with Jesus with anticipation. Also, I look back in order to make changes in those activities that were not productive in my life over the past year—sort of a ‘spiritual house cleaning and redecorating’ experience—getting ready again to walk in joyful obedience to Jesus this coming year.

Yesterday, I read an article that was so encouraging to me in this evaluation process that I want to share some of it with you:
“There are two things that we must keep in mind when reading the commandments of Jesus. First, He was setting a standard that unregenerate man could never keep. The bar was set so high that no one would be able to reach His level of righteousness. Peter listened every day and knew well the teaching to love an enemy. The end result was cutting off a man’s ear! Often overlooked is one aspect of Christ’s teaching:  it reveals not only what man should do but what man cannot do. Second, Jesus did it all; He did what He taught, and He did it freely, naturally, consistently and without struggle. Therefore, He proved it could be done. Here is the secret to dealing with commands we cannot keep, commands that must be kept, and commands He kept easily. The solution is simple: we admit that we cannot; he moves and keeps them through us. It will be Christ in us living through us as though it is us, but it is not us. We do not aspire to be like Jesus; we gave that up. It is really Jesus living through us. Beautiful.!”(Mike Wells in My Weakness for His Strength)

I think we all have regrets of sinful choices, a lack of love toward someone, forgiveness that should have been extended toward someone who offended us; but the life of Jesus lived through us enables us to live in obedience to Him moment by moment. How encouraging is that! He knew all along that we could never live the Christian life. It is His life, not ours that brings victory and fulfillment. And the beauty of it all is that this is the way God intended it to be and that is why He sent His Son to BE our life—to live it for us—to be what we can never be without Him!
This has been a good reminder for me; and I hope it is for you! Here’s to a year of joy as you experience His Life in you and through you!  Col 1:27, “God’s plan is to make known His secret to his people, this rich and glorious secret which he has for all peoples. And the secret is that Christ is in you, which means that you will share in the glory of God.TEV

Saturday, December 1, 2012

An Early Christmas Gift

It was October 2nd, I had finished the day’s work and was sitting on the patio reading and enjoying the Colorado sunshine on a fall day!  Being drawn to the beauty, I was having trouble concentrating on my book.  I felt I had to go up into the mountains—that God had something He wanted me to see. My husband and I had an errand to run so afterwards I suggested we drive up into the hills to see the fall colors.  It was an absolutely gorgeous afternoon—blue sky, warm sunshine, a gentle breeze.  Remembering, that just the day before, a woman asked me if I had been to South Cheyenne Canyon since our move back to Colorado? I had not; and suddenly I knew that is where I wanted to go.

It had been over 50 years since my last visit to the canyon, so the drive seemed like a brand new experience!  We wound our way around each sharp curve as the sun burst through the trees to reveal a new display of brilliant color.  It was breathtaking— vivid brick reds and golds; a blending of dark greens against rust and amber and bright reds and oranges! It was almost more than my eyes could take in!

I said to Him:  O, thank You Lord, for drawing me out here to see this spectacular display of Your creation! You do ‘give us all things to enjoy’

 ….put your hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment 1 Tim 3:17

 As we continued climbing higher into the mountains along the creek toward Helen Hunt Falls, we passed the entrance to Cutler Trail.  Memories flooded my mind of the times my friends and I would put a watermelon in the creek to chill while we hiked the trail, which overlooks Seven Falls. My heart called to Him: Lord, You give us the desires of our heart. Would You let me do that again sometime? You are so gracious to give me sight to see this glorious display of Your beauty. I’m so grateful that You called me out here today so You could delight my eyes with this brilliant array of color! You are so gracious!

I am reminded that not one of the pleasures God has brought into my life is essential, but they are provided by Him for my enjoyment—and designed to turn my heart to Him, my only true need.   Lord, you have done that today—thank You!

For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities---His eternal power

and divine nature---have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made,

so that men are without excuse Romans1:20

 “Sometimes I lead you up a high mountain with only My hand to support you.

The higher you climb, the more spectacular the view becomes;

also the more keenly you sense your separation from the world with all its problems.

This frees you to experience exuberantly the joyous reality of My Presence.

Give yourself fully to these Glory-moments awash in dazzling Light.”

(Oct. 6—Jesus Calling—by Sarah Young)

My final prayer to Him that day:  Lord, continue to enable me to see EVERYTHING through Your eyes—EVERYTHING—the beautiful things as well as those that are difficult! I can find joy in all things.           

The heavens tell the glory of God. The skies display His marvelous craftsmanship Psalm 19:1

Thank You for that promise!

That day on October 2, God gave me an early Christmas gift with the fall colors!

 What will your Christmas gift be this December?

First, focus on the “reason for the season”  as prophesied in Isaiah 9:6

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given……He will be called Wonderful Counselor,

Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

But also, as you enter into the busy season of honoring His coming into “the world He created”, please slow down and open another gift, absorb the beauty around you.

sunrise to sunset, falling snow, falling rain, the desert with cactus,

the ocean with palm trees, farm fields with a blanket of snow,

frozen lakes, warm lakes, the mountains with evergreens, waterfalls, canyons,

the sun, the moon the stars, and so much more!

Enjoy His Christmas gifts to you!

His creation and the Prince of Peace are gifts that truly keep giving for a lifetime

 Let me know the gift the Lord gave you this December, and throughout the year.

I would enjoy hearing from you, please write to me at: