As I consider the influential qualities of the woman spoken of in Proverbs 31, my thoughts gather around verse 30; "Charm is deceptive and beauty does not last, but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised." To be praised means we have influenced someone in a positive manner. It brings me to the conclusion that because this woman feared the Lord, she was motivated to minister the way she did to her husband, family, and community. She was trustworthy, industrious, creative, strong, caring and selfless in meeting the needs of those around her and so much more.
So what does it 'look like' for a woman to fear the Lord'?
Gothard sums up the definition this way: "The fear of the Lord is the continual awareness that I am in the presence of a holy, just and almighty God; and that every thought, word, action, and deed is open to Him and is being judged by Him." So, this fact makes me very secure. As I fear the Lord I am aware of His presence and Psalm 16:11 says that 'in His presence is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures forevermore.' Because He is a holy, just and almighty God, He is fully worthy of my trust and confidence. As I acknowledge the fact that He is aware of my every thought, word, action and deed I realize I am accountable to Him for the way I live and the choices I make--they matter to Him! The more I fear the Lord, the more I want to please Him; thus my motivation to make right choices. Not only does that please God, but it is beneficial to me as well.
Proverbs 9:10 says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding." We all want godly wisdom; and we seek godly wisdom from those who have it. It begins in us by learning to fear the Lord. This is not a fear whereby we cower in His presence or are afraid of Him, but a healthy respect and awe of this God who so loves and cares for every aspect of our lives!
Let me point out from some biblical women and men how this fear of the Lord was evidenced in their lives:
1) Abigail [you can read more about her in 1 Samuel 25]: her husband, Nabal's actions had angered King David and he was coming to kill him, but Abigail made a godly appeal to King David on behalf of her husband to keep the King from killing him in anger, which would have caused the King to be disrespected. Her husband was a fool and everyone knew it. She could have let King David kill him, but she feared the Lord--she did what she knew what would honor Him. As you read in the story, God took care of Nabal in His way. And He took care of Abigail as well.
2) Sarah [you can read more about her in Genesis 12]: Abraham placed her in a very compromising situation, but she trusted God and His care of her through her obedience to her husband. She is used as a godly example in 1Peter 3: 5, 6; "That is the way the holy women of old made themselves beautiful. They trusted God and accepted the authority of their husbands. For instance, Sarah obeyed her husband, Abraham when she called him her master. You are her daughters when you do what is right without fear of what your husbands might do." I love this story of Sarah's faith and her godly influence. I know you will too!
3) Job: Job was a man of whom it was said, 'He was a man who feared God.' Throughout the entire book of Job I have noted instances of his fear of God. When he lost everything his response was, 'The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.' When his wife suggested he curse God and die, he said: '...shall we accept good from God and not trouble?' In all this, Job did not charge God with wrong doing.' At the end of the book Job declares (in spite of all his suffering) "My ears had heard of You but now my eyes have seen You." Job had a greater trust and godly fear of the Lord at the end of the book--He knew God more intimately.
4) Joseph (you can read about Joseph's life in Genesis 37-50): So much has been written about this man who truly feared God--had a deep trust and confidence in Him and an awareness of His involvement in the circumstances of his life. Even though his brothers sold him into slavery, God had a plan for Joseph to rise to a place of authority so he would be in a position to save his family who had wronged him, in a time of famine. Joseph knew God, He feared God as the One who had orchestrated the events of his life--all of them--even when he was imprisoned wrongfully. He forgave his brothers and all those who had treated him unfairly; and at the end of the book he tells his brothers, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."
Look at the lives these people who feared God influenced? I want to be a woman of influence in the same way, don't you? "God is good to everyone, and His compassion is intertwined with everything He does." Psalm 145:9 LB
thank you for blessing my heart and encouraging me.